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Frequently asked questions

  • Why should we train in First Aid?
    First Aid training is the legal responsibility of the employer. But the most important reason is the people around us. Our family, our friends, our colleagues, our clients at work, but also any stranger on the street who may need our help. The motto of our School is that FIRST AID IS A DUTY AND NOT AN OPTION.        
  • Who can train and certify me as a First Aider with an accredited certificate?
    Accredited courses and certificates are offered only by trainers or training organisations approved by the Department of Labour Inspection (T.E.E.) of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance (YEKA).
  • What First Aid program should I be trained in?
    The organisation or individual should assess their needs and decide on the most suitable course. For organisations, the written risk assessment is a guide for choosing the most suitable course.
  • Do certificates in first aid expire?
    The certificates for "First Aid at Work" programs are valid for three years. Certificates for use of automatic external defibrillator use are valid for one year.
  • If I have employer insurance, should I train my staff in First Aid?
    Employer insurance does not exempt the employer from their legal obligation to train staff in First Aid.
  • If I am involved in a First Aid incident, is it likely that I will have civil or criminal liability if my efforts fail?
    The Safety and Health at Work (First Aid) Regulations of 2009 (R.A.A. 198/2009) provide that: "... A First Aider who provides First Aid does not have criminal or civil liability in the event of failure of efforts to provide First Aid to a person who is ill or injured in the workplace, as long as they act in good faith, have been trained in First Aid, acted on the basis of what they have been taught or in any case they did what is reasonable for someone to do to save their fellow person...".
  • Do I need to refresh my knowledge and skills?
    Intermediate refresh training is not required by law or regulation but is strongly recommended by all competent first aid training organisations.
  • What is an Automatic External Defibrillator AED?
    An automatic external defibrillator is a portable device used to deliver an electric discharge (defibrillation) to the heart to restore the normal rhythm of the heart during sudden cardiac arrest.
  • Should a First Aid box be kept in the workplace and what should it contain?
    The legislation provides that the employer must ensure that first aid materials are provided in the workplace. The first aid kit at the workplace should contain at least what is required by law. For more information, see the relevant legislation.
  • Can a first aider provide medicine?
    The first aider is not covered to administer medicine to injured or ill casualties. That's why no medicine is kept in the first aid kit at work. The first aider could, however, assist the casualty to take their own medicines.
  • Who examines and assesses the trainees in seminars?
    For the 6-hour course, the instructor evaluates the trainees' participation and their ability to provide first aid. Also, a final written exam will confirm the theoretical knowledge acquired by the trainee. The final practical exam in the 18-hour course is carried out by an independent instructor/examiner who was not involved in the course.
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